Maria Mantouvalou
PhD sociology - Paris V Sorbonne, DEA planning - Institut d’ Urbanisme, Paris- Dauphine, Diploma architecture - NTUA. Professor of Urban sociology and planning, Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the NTUA. Teaches undergraduate and post-graduate courses on urban theory, urban sociology and planning. Visiting professor in various European Universities. Founding member of the Institut Européen d’ Aménagement et d’ Architecture (INEAA).
Skills mobilised
Maria Mantouvalou has long experience (over 30 years) as coordinator and main researcher in a large number of European and national projects and her work aims at integrating socio-economic parameters in the study of urban settings. Her research interests include the formation of social alliances around issues of land development, urban politics and questions of social exclusion/inclusion, urban land rent and housing markets. Relevant research projects include “Espace construit, rapports sociaux et dynamique culturelle”, “Dynamiques urbaines : Etat, société civile et citoyenneté”, “Post-earthquake restructuring of the municipality of Ano Liossia, with an emphasis on manufacturing activities, employment and social cohesion”, “Restructuring of the neighbourhood Kerameikos-Gazi in Athens”, “Planning and Environmental aspects of the Olympic Games - alternative location of activities”, “Metropolitan park in Goudi-Ilissos area”. Other relevant activities include: referee and evaluator to national and European research bodies and consultant to public institutions.
Relevant publications
· Mantouvalou, M. and Balla, E. (2004), “Transformations in the system of land and construction in Greece today”, in D. Economou et al (eds) Cities and Space from the 20th to the 21st century, Athens: Memphis, pp.313-30
· Vaiou, D., Mantouvalou, M. and Mavridou, M. (2004) guest editors, “Athens 2004. In the tracks of globalisation ? ”, special issue of the journal Geographies, no 7
· Mantouvalou, M. and Mavridou, M. (2001) “Small landownership, informal activities and urban development in Greece”, Social Science Review, 16, pp. 29-58
· Mantouvalou, M. and Antonakou, D. (1999) “Mutations d’ une ville industrielle: Lavrion”, Proceedings of the Conference La ville confrontée à la métropolisation, Centre International sur le Projet Urbain, Florence