Dina Vaiou
PhD urban geography and planning - University of London, MA planning - University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Diploma architecture - NTUA. Professor of urban analysis and gender studies in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the NTUA. Coordinator of the post-graduate program in Urban and Regional Planning of the NTUA.Visiting professor in various European universities.
Skills mobilised
Dina Vaiou is senior researcher in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the NTUA and will be scientific coordinator of the Greek team. Her research interests, include: the feminist critique of urban analysis, gender and everyday life in cities with an emphasis on the differential uses and meanings of “public” space, the changing features of local labour markets, with special emphasis on women's work and informalisation processes, the impact of mass migration on Southern European cities and women’s migration in particular. In the past 15+ years she has coordinated and taken part in a number of national and European research projects and has been member of various EC study groups. Relevant research projects include: Women of the South in European Integration. Problems and prospects, Gender issues in the decision-making process with regard to urban space and housing, Informal forms of work and production and urban development in Greater Athens and Greater Thessaloniki, Youth Unemployment in Southern Europe, The future of work in Europe. Gendered patterns of time distribution, The impact of the 1999 earthquake on small firms and employment patterns in the periphery of Athens, Intersecting patterns of everyday life in the city: Local and migrant women in Athens. Other relevant activities include: referee and evaluator to national and European organisations in the above fields.
Relevant publications
· Vaiou, D., Mantouvalou, M. and Mavridou, M. (2004) guest editors, “Athens 2004. In the tracks of globalisation? ”, special issue of the journal Geographies, no 7
· Vaiou, D. and Hadjimichalis, C. (2003) With the sewing machine in the kitchen and the Poles in the fields. Cities, regions and informal work, Athens: Exandas (2nd edition)
· Vaiou, D. (2002) “In the interstices of the city: Albanian women in Athens”, Espace, Polulations, Sociétés, no.3, pp.373-85
· Vaiou, D. (2000) “Cities and citizens. Everyday life and the ‘right to the city’”, in M. Modinos, E. Efthymiopoulos (eds) Sustainable Cities, Athens: Stochastis, pp. 204-16
· Gregson, N., Simonsen, K. and Vaiou, D. (1999) “The meaning of work: Some arguments for the importance of culture within formulations of work in Europe”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 6:3, pp. 197-214
· Vaiou, D. (1997) "Informal cities? Women's work and urban development on the margins of the European Union", in R. Lee, J. Wills (eds) Society Place Economy, London: E. Arnold.