Louis Wassenhoven
PhD Geography - London School of Economics and Political Science; MA Planning - Architectural Association-London; Diploma - Architecture, National Technical University of Athens. Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, NTUA, and Director of the Laboratory for Spatial Planning and Urban Development. Has also taught as Senior Lecturer at the Development Planning Unit, Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning, University College London, and is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. He was the first chairman of the Greek National Council for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development and has served as Vice Chairman of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation.
Skills mobilised
In the last 20 years, Louis Wassenhoven has directed a number of research projects and participated in many others. He was one of the main researchers in the strategic spatial plan of the Athens metropolitan area and has directed major research projects on behalf of the Organization for the Master Plan of Athens. He is also involved in the coordination of major European projects, like “The EU Compendium of Spatial Planning Systems and Policies”, “Sustainability through Spatial Planning: An Examination of the Capacity of Spatial Planning Systems in Europe to Develop and Implement Policy for Sustainability”, ESPON 2.3.2 of the European Union on “Governance of Territorial and Urban Policies from EU to Local Level 2004 – 06”. His research focuses on strategic and metropolitan planning in the context of debates about sustainable development and on the issues arising from changing forms of governance. Other relevant activities include: referee and evaluator to international organizations working in the field of governance and strategic planning.
Relevant publications
· Wassenhoven,L. (2004) “Urban planning in the context of environmental responsibility”, in D. Economou et al (eds) Cities and Space from the 20th to the 21st century, Athens: Memphis, pp. 103-14
· Wassenhoven, L. (2003) “Democratic planning and the challenges for rational models”, Aeichoros, 1:1, pp.30-49
· Wassenhoven, L. (2002a) “Is there still a theory of planning”, in The Greek City in the 21st Century, collective volume, Athens: TEE, pp. 393-99
· Wassenhoven, L. (2002b) “Large urban projects: can they contribute to a better future for Athens?”, in S. Tsetsis (ed) A Future for Athens, Athens: Papazissis, pp. 153-77