Maria Mavridou
PhD planning NTUA; Diploma Architecture – NTUA; Assistant Professor of urban planning. Teaches undergraduate and post-graduate courses on the development of ideas about cities and on questions of housing and urban development and has worked a lot on methodological questions concerning those issues.
Skills mobilised
Maria Mavridou is senior researcher in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the NTUA with long experience of research and teaching on the social impact of illegal settlement in the urban periphery and informal forms of housing acquisition. She has coordinated and taken part in a number of national and European research projects, including “Urban land rent and housing markets in Greater Athens”, “The conjunctural development of peripheral neighbourhoods”, “The social impact of the formation of urban land rent through squatting the urban periphery”, “Post-earthquake restructuring of the municipality of Ano Liossia, with an emphasis on manufacturing activities, employment and social cohesion”, “Restructuring of the neighbourhood Kerameikos-Gazi in Athens”. Other relevant activities include: referee and evaluator to national research bodies and consultant to public institutions.
Relevant publications
· M. Mavridou (2004) “New Urbanism as dominant discourse and Greek cities”, in D. Economou et al (eds) Cities and Space from the 20th to the 21st century, Athens: Memphis, pp. 345-64
· Vaiou, D., Mantouvalou, M. and Mavridou, M. (2004) guest editors, “Athens 2004. In the tracks of globalisation? ”, special issue Geographies, no 7
· Vaiou, D., Mantouvalou, M. and Mavridou, M. (2002) (eds) Lavrio- Development Prospects, Athens : NTUA
· Mavridou, M. (1998) “Spatial and social effects from the development of deprived neighbourhoods on the western part of Greater Athens through semi-squatting”, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Local History, Athens: Municipality of Ano Liossia