Anna Bacharopoulou
MA sociology - University of Sussex, BA sociology - Panteion University, Athens. Researcher at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the NTUA. Teaches post-graduate sociology seminars in the NTUA and sociology in secondary schools.
Skills mobilised
Anna Bacharopoulou is a senior researcher with more than 20 years experience of work with marginalised communities (gypsies, immigrants, refugees, ethnic minorities) and neighbourhoods at the urban fringe. Her work in this field includes both academic research and grass roots action. She has been involved as senior researchers in a number of national and European projects, including “Social parameters in strategic planning and sustainable development”, “Post-earthquake restructuring of the municipality of Ano Liossia, with an emphasis on manufacturing activities, employment and social cohesion”, “Restructuring of the neighbourhood Kerameikos-Gazi in Athens”, Social survey in six refugee areas in Athens and in Thiva, “Women and consumption: participation of rural women in family decisions about income spending”. Other relevant activities: voluntary work with immigrant and minority communities.
Relevant publications
· Bacharopoulou, A. (2003) “Social parameters in strategic planning and sustainable development”, in I. Polyzos (ed) Directions for Strategic Planning and Sustainable Development: Local Agenda 21, Athens: Municipality of Ano Liossia
· Bacharopoulou, A. (2001) “Employment and Social Cohesion”, in Aravatinos, A. (ed) Urban Problems and Prospects for Redevelopment of Earthquake-striken Neighbourhoods, after the 1999 earthquake, Athens: NTUA
· Bacharopoulou, A. (1999) “Pontians and Roma in Kerameikos - Gazi”, in N. Fintikakis (ed) Urban Renewal in a deprived neighbourhood: Kerameikos - Gazi in Athens, Athens: Propobos