Stuart Cameron
BA in Sociology, University of Exeter, Member of Royal Town Planning Institute; Senior Lecturer in Planning and Director of Global Urban Research Unit (GURU); School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Skills mobilised
Stuart Cameron will act as the anchor person in Newcastle in relation to Housing and the Built Environment. His research and publication are in the areas of housing, urban regeneration and social exclusion. His most recent research was a major study for national government on Co-ordination of Area based Initiatives. Other recent areas of work have included minority ethnic housing needs, rural housing and the analysis of social exclusion at the regional scale. He has substantial experience in the management of research projects, including research for British research council, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, British Government, and a wide range of other agencies. He has experience of research and research networks at the European level, including work on smaller cities in Europe, and is currently developing European comparative work on the theme of housing market renewal.
Relevant publications
· Cameron, S. (2003): “Gentrification, Housing Re-differentiation and Urban Regeneration: ‘Going for Growth’ in Newcastle upon Tyne” Urban Studies
· Cameron, S. et al (2001) “A Scoping Study of social inclusion in the north east of England: A regional baseline and benchmark”, Summary Report Newcastle, One Northeast
· Cameron, S. (2000) “Ethnic minority housing needs and diversity in an area of low housing demand”, Environment and Planning A Vol 31 1427-1444
· Cameron, S. and Field, A. (2000) “Community, ethnicity and neighbourhood”, Housing Studies Vol 15, No 6 827-843
· Cameron, S and Davoudi, S. (1998) “Combating social exclusion, looking in or looking out?' in A Madanipour, G Cars and J Allen (eds): Social Exclusion in European Cities London: Jessica Kingsley/Regional Studies Association.