Jean Hillier
PhD Geography (University of London), MRTPI, BSc Geography (University of London). Professor of Town & Country Planning, APL-GURU University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Skills mobilised
Jean Hillier as a senior researcher at GURU will work in close collaboration with Frank Moulaert for the main co-ordination and will be lead partner for the “cultural identity” existential filed and anchor person with regard to urban survival strategies. She has over 25 years experience in managing and undertaking research on regional development and planning, and social and economic policy, including research funded by the ARC and AHURI (Australia) and the ESRC (UK), and has 165 publications in these fields. Her specialist research interests lie in the field of public participation and identity, especially in areas of local governance decision making, and in issues of social exclusion and strategies of survival with regard to issues of planning and housing, urban regeneration and regional development. Relevant other activities include: Editor and Member of Editorial Boards of several international refereed journals in the field of social and urban planning. Referee for Australian Research Council grant applications.
Relevant publications
· Hillier J. and Cryle D. (eds) (2004) “Consensus and Consent”, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane.
· Hillier, J. (2002) “Shadows of Power: an allegory of prudence in land use planning”, London: Routledge.
· Hillier, J. (2002) “Mind the gap” in J. Hillier and E. Rooksby (eds) Habitus: a sense of place, Aldershot: Ashgate
· Hillier, J. (2002) “Off the Slippery Ice and Onto Rough Ground: Direct Action and Agonism in Democratic Planning Practice”, in P. Allmendinger and M. Tewdr-Jones (eds) Planning Futures: New Directions in Planning Theory, London: Athlone Press, pp. 110-135.
· Hillier, J. (2002) “Presumptive Planning: From Urban Design to Community Creation in One Move?” in A. Fisher C. Sonn and B. Bishop (Eds.). Psychological sense of community: Research, applications, and implications. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers pp. 43-67