Andy Pike
PhD and BA in Local and Regional Development, University of Liverpool, UK. Co-ordinating Editor of the journal Regional Studies, Director of the Regional Studies Association and Member of the Institution of Economic Development. Senior Lecturer, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), University of Newcastle upon Tyne ( Director of the Postgraduate Programmes in Regional Development in CURDS.
Skills mobilised
Andy Pike’s research and publications are in the area of the political economy and governance of local and regional development and the engagement of economic and social partners in governance. His most recent work concerned the role of trade union federations in the devolved governance of the English regions as part of a study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Other recent areas of research include devolution and the governance of economic development, institutional and policy responses to closures and the changing dynamics of the financial system and local development. He has substantial experience in the management of research projects for the ESRC, central government, trade unions and other local and regional agencies. He has experience of research and research networks at the European level, through a European Commission funded network on innovation and territory from which he produced an edited collection. Relevant other activities include: referee for international academic journals and bid assessor for ESRC working in the field of local and regional development. He is currently leading a research team on an Office of the Deputy Prime Minister-funded project on the economic viability and self-containment of geographical economies.
Relevant publications
· Pike, A., Rodríguez-Pose, A. and Tomaney, J. (forthcoming 2005) Local and Regional Development, Routledge: London.
· Pike, A. (2004) ‘Heterodoxy and the governance of economic development’ Environment and Planning A (Special Issue: Sub-national Governance and Economic and Social Development — Guest Editors Andy Pike and John Tomaney), 36, 2141-2161.
· Pike, A. (2002) “Post-devolution blues? Economic development in the Anglo-Scottish Borders”, Regional Studies, 36, 9, 1067-1082.
· Pike, A., O’Brien, P. and Tomaney, J. (2002) “Regionalisation, devolution and the trade union movement”, Antipode, 34.5: 819—828.
· Pike, A. (2002) “Task Forces and the organisation of economic development: the case of the North East region of England”, Environment and Planning C, 20, 717-739.
· Pike, A. Giunta, A.and Lagendijk, A. (2000) (Eds) “Restructuring Industry and Territory: The Experience of Europe’s Regions”, The Stationary Office and Regional Studies Association: London