Rose Gilroy
MA (research) Dept of English University of Exeter, B.A. in English Studies, University of NottinghamFellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing, Member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching. Senior Lecturer in Planning and Director of Planning Programmes, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Skills mobilised
Her research and publication are in the areas of urban regeneration; diversity and equality issues in planning, housing and governance. Her most recent (and ongoing) research is for the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit evaluating the outcomes and processes of the New Deal for Communities regeneration mechanism in Hartlepool. She has been funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to explore the impact of a Single Regeneration Budget programmes in York. More controversially she has also been funded by JRF to consider the institutional responses to housing released offenders. Rose Gilroy has worked with EU fourth framework funds for equality between men and women to investigate and build the EuroFEM network across Europe.
Relevant publications
· Gilroy, R. (2005) “The information needs of older people: a challenge for local governance”, Local Government Studies
· Gilroy, R. Cowan, D and Pantazis, C. (2001) "Social housing as crime control”, Social and Legal Studies, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 435-58.
· Gilroy, R., Cowan, D., Pantazis, C and Bevan, M. (1999) “Good practice in allocating housing to sex offenders, a case study approach”. Chartered Institute of Housing for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Coventry. pp.1-48,
· Gilroy, R. Cowan, D and Pantazis, C (1999) "Risking housing need", Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 403-26.
· Gilroy, R. (1998) "Bringing tenants into decision making" in David Cowan [ed.] Housing: Participation and Exclusion, London, Dartmouth Press. pp.22-40.