Diana MacCallum
PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, Curtin University of Technology (Western Australia). Research Associate for Katarsis at GURU.
Skills mobilised
Diana assists in all aspects of coordination of Katarsis. She brings to this task a special interest in relationships between theory, research and practice, particularly with respect to governance institutions.
Relevant publications
2005: “Consent and Resistance: A case study of participatory decision making”, Consensus and Consent, Ed. Hillier, J. and Cryle, D., API Network, Perth: 351-370.
2003: Liveable Communities, Ed. Haswell, J. and MacCallum, D., Black Swan Press, Perth.
2002: "Breaking the mould without breaking the rules: discursive struggles in a local land use planning committee", Undisciplined Thoughts, Ed. O'Connor, P. and Scott, J., Black Swan Press, Perth: 199-213.