Frank Moulaert
Ph.D. and M.A. in Regional Science from University of Pennsylvania, MA in Economics from University of Leuven, B.A. from University of Antwerp (UFSIA) Professor of European Planning and Development, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (APL), University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Skills mobilised
Frank Moulaert as a senior researcher at GURU will be the general scientific coordinator and PI for KATARSIS (WP6). He will be the PI for Methodology Development (WP5) and collaborate with P2 for the coordination of the ‘Dissemination and User Group’ WP (WP8). He has a 15 year long experience as a scientific coordinator of large research consortia for the EU (FP4, FP5, FP6, DG Employment and Social Policy) on social exclusion and inclusion in urban and regional Europe. Main acronyms: URSPIC, SINGOCOM and DEMOLOGOS– see websites directly accessible through Google search. He has regular contacts with networks and institutions working in this domain. Relevant other activities include: referee and evaluator to international organizations working in the field of social cohesion.
Relevant publications
· Moulaert, F., Ailenei, O. (2005) Social economy, ‘économie solidaire’ and third sector: a survey. Urban Studies.
· Moulaert, F., Hillier, J. and Nussbaumer, J. (2004) Trois essais sur le rôle de l’innovation sociale dans le développement local. Géographie, Economie, Sociétés, 6 (2): 129-152.
· Moulaert, F. and Nussbaumer, J. (2005) The Social region. Beyond the learning economy. European Urban and Regional Studies, 12(1): 45-64, 2005.
· Moulaert, F., Nussbaumer J. and Demuynck, H. (2004) “Urban renaissance: from physical beautification to social empowerment. Lessons from Bruges – Cultural Capital of Europe 2002. City, 8 (2), 229- 235
· Moulaert, F., Rodriguez, A. and Swyngedouw, E. (2003) “The Globalized City. Economic Restructuring and Social Polarization in European Cities”. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
· Moulaert, F. (2000) “Globalization and Integrated Area Development in European Cities”. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2nd print (paperback) June 2002.