Selena Gray

BSc (intercalated) Pharmacology (2:1); MB ChB, University of Leeds: MD, University of Bristol; Diploma in Child Health (London); Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (Paeds); Membership of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine; Fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine; Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians. Currently, she is Associate Postgraduate Dean, South West Deanery; Director of the South West Public Health Observatory: Clinical Adviser (Consultant Public Health Medicine) R&D Directorate, NHS Executive South West Regional Office; Clinical Adviser, (Consultant Public HealthMedicine) R&D Directorate, NHS Executive South West Regional Office; Reader in Public Health, Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of the West of England

Skills mobilised
Selena’s research interests are in the field of chronic eye disease and in particular the contribution of optometrists to care of patients with glaucoma. She has a wide range of interest in the fields of public health including the use of routine health data. She has also done work on the use of complementary therapies by health professionals, changes in patterns of flexible working in junior doctors, and the overlap of teaching and research in primary care.

Relevant publications
Gray S, Alexander K and Eaton J.(2005) Equal Opportunity for all? Trends in flexible training 1995-2001 Norfolk GA, and Gray S.(2003) Intravenous drug users and broken needles- a hidden risk? Addiction 2003; 98:1163-66 Lewith, G.T., Hyland, M. and Gray, S. F.(21001) “Attitudes to and use of complementary medicine among physicians in the United Kingdom.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine Vol 9: 167-72. Langley, C., Gray, S., Selley, S., Bowie, C. and Price, C.(2000) “Clinicians attitudes to recruitment to randomised trials in cancer care- a qualitative study.” J Health Serv Res Policy Vol 5: 164-69. Gray, S., Spry, P., Brookes, S., Peters, T., Spencer, I., Baker, I., Sparrow, J. and Easty, D.(2000) The Bristol Shared Care Study- outcome at two year follow up.” Br J Ophthalmol Vol 84: 456-63. Gray, S., Toth, B., Johnson, H., Percy, D., Pereira Gray, D. and Mant, D.(2000) “Mapping teaching and research activity in general practice.” Medical Teacher Vol 22 (1): 64-9 Gray, S et al. “The Bristol Shared Care Glaucoma Study: Reliability of community optometric and hospital eye service test measures.” Br J Ophthalmol. 1999;83: 707-12.