Marilyn Taylor
Marilyn Taylor is Professor of Urban Governance and Regeneration and Director of the Cities Research Centre at the University of the West of England. She was previously Head of the Health and Social Policy Research Centre at the University of Brighton.
Skills mobilised
She has carried out research for government and other funders to support and evaluate innovation in governance, community empowerment and neighbourhood renewal, for many years, as well as collaborating with European colleagues in recent years to pull together research and learning on the social economy/third sector and its role in welfare. Relevant recent research includes: leading the national evaluations of the UK government‘s Community Participation Programmes, and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Neighbours Programme, both innovative programmes for supporting the engagement of communities in governance; research to assess the impact of community invovlement in improving mainstream service delivery; and research to assess the impact of new policy opportunities on third sector organisations. She is currently a member of the Home Office’s Active Citizenship Centre Steering Committee which is supporting a new programme of research on civil renewal.
Relevant publications
Taylor, M. [et al.] (2005) Making Connections: an evaluation of the Community Participation Programmes, London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Craig, G., Taylor, M. and Parkes, T. (2004) ‘Protest or Partnership? The voluntary and community sectors in the policy process’, Social Policy and Administration, pp. 221-39
Taylor, M. (2004) ‘A sea-change or a swamp? New spaces for voluntary sector engagement with governance in the UK’, IDS Bulletin, 35.2, pp 67-75
Taylor, M. (2003) Public Policy in the Community, London: Palgrave
Taylor, M. (2002) ‘Community and social exclusion’ in Nash, V. (ed.) Reclaiming Community, London: IPPR, pp. 85-105
Taylor, M. (2002) ‘Is Partnership Possible? Searching for a new institutional settlement’, in Cars, G., Healey, P., Madanipour, A.and de Maghalhaes, C. (eds.) Urban Governance, Institutional Capacity and Social Milieux, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 106-24
Taylor, M. (2002) ‘The new public management and social exclusion: cause or response? in McLaughlin, K., Osborne, S.P. and Ferlie, E. (eds) New Public Management: current trends and future prospects, London: Routledge, pp.109-28
Balloch, S. and Taylor, M. (2001) Partnership Working: policy and practice, Bristol: The Policy Press