Derrick Purdue
PhD, from the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of the West of England, Bristol. He is a Research Fellow in the Cities Research Centre, UWE. He completed a PhD on the global environmental movement against GM food and gene patenting; B.Soc.Sc. and B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) from the University of Cape Town; M.Sc. Social Science (Ecology & Society), UWE, 1994
Skills mobilised
Derrick has worked on two research projects on environmental networks in Bristol and the South West England region, and currently supervises two PhD theses – one on Local Food Networks in South West England, and the other on Knowledge and Decision Making in the management of Wildlife Trust reserves in the West of England. He is currently working on a project for the Environment Agency on the impact of environmental projects on the economic and social goals of regeneration. As well as environmental risk and civil society, his research interests include social exclusion and governance. He has completed a project mapping and evaluating social exclusion and is currently working on an evaluation of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Neighbourhoods Programme. He has taught modules on environmental risk, social movements, globalization, and city life.
Relevant publications
Purdue, D, Diani, M, and Lindsey, I. (2004) ‘Civic Networks in Bristol and Glasgow’, Community Development Journal, 39 (3): 277-88.
Atkinson, R, Antrobus, J, Purdue, D, and Smith, I. (2002) Plymouth Social Exclusion Mapping and Evaluation Report, Plymouth Social Inclusion Partnership.
Purdue, D. (2000) Anti-Genetix: The Emergence of a Global Movement against GM Food, London: Ashgate.
Purdue, D, (2000) ‘Backyard Biodiversity: Seed Tribes in the West of England’, Science as Culture, 9 (2): 141-66.
Purdue, D, (1999) ‘Experiments in the Governance of Biotechnology: A Case Study of the UK National Consensus Conference’, New Genetics and Society, 18, (1): 79-99.
Purdue, D, Dürrschmidt, J, Jowers, P and O'Doherty, R. (1997) ‘DIY Culture and Extended Milieux: LETS, Veggie Boxes and Festivals’, Sociological Review, 45, (4): 645?67.
Purdue, D. (1996) ‘Contested Expertise: Social Movements and Plant Biotechnology’, Science as Culture, 25(4): 526-45.
Purdue, D. (1995) ‘Hegemonic Trips: World Trade, Intellectual Property and Biodiversity’, Environmental Politics, 4 (1): 88-107