Tommaso Vitale
Ph.D. in Sociology - Università degli Studi di Milano (2002). M.A. in Political Sciences, Università Statale di Milano (1999). Certificate of Achievement awarded for successful participation in the Program for Advanced Study in Comparative Institutional Analysis and Design at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA (2004). At present Tommaso Vitale is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
Skills mobilised
He will contribute with expertise in local governance of health and social policies, focusing on new forms of bargaining in local policy, and the effects on the capabilities of the users of social services. Currently, he is working on a research project entitled “An Institutional Analysis of Coordination Processes Between Social Policies and Health Policies”, Dipartimento di Sociologia, Università di Milano – Bicocca). He has six years research experience in this field. He worked on the research project “The Transformation of Regulative Mechanisms of Social Welfare Systems at the Local Level”, funded by the Milan Chamber of Commerce, under the direction of Prof. Costanzo Ranci, focusing on the role of active policies in the construction of social markets; on “Urban Welfare and Social Quality Standards”, research funded by MURST (Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research), under the direction of Prof. Ota de Leonardis; and on “Activation Policy and Local Services Planning”, funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research), under the direction of Prof. Ota de Leonardis, dealing with the coordination of junior researchers. He also coordinated the research unit “Multicultural Coexistence: The Quality of Governance in Crisis Areas”, funded by CNR (Italian National Committee for Research). In the field of social innovation, he undertook research on the project “Society and Detection: Paths of Re-socialisation and Opportunities for Social Integration for Offenders. Area Socio-Economic Balance (ASEB)”, funded by the EU – DG XII, Leonardo da Vinci Program – “Regional Vocational Training for Young People in the Penal System” Section, under the direction of Prof. Alberto Giasanti. He also participated in the research project “Social Innovation, Governance and Community Building”, funded by the European Union – DG XII, under the direction of Prof. Frank Moulaert (University of Newcastle). In the field of civil society participation and bottom-up initiatives, he is working on a book about urban conflict and institutional learning (2006, Laterza) and editing a volume on the tensions between participation and representation in urban movement action (2005, Franco Angeli). He is a member of the Laboratorio di sociologia dell’azione pubblica “Sui generis” (Sui Generis – Centre of Sociology of Public Action), Department of Sociology, Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca. In the same University, he teaches “Social Service Planning” in the graduate school “Planning and management of social policies” and “Local Development” within the MSc Program “Local Development and Social Quality” at the Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca.
Relevant publications
Bifulco L., Vitale T., forthcoming, Contracting of Social Policy in Local Welfare: A Change in Position of the Recipients?, Journal of Social Policy.
Vitale T.(2005), Coinvolgimenti. Dilemmi della regolazione locale delle politiche sociali, Carocci, Roma.
Vitale T. (2005), Attivazione e contrattualizzazione nel welfare locale: cambia la posizione dei destinatari?”, La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, n. 5.
Cousin B., Vitale T. (2004), "Les centres de rétention italiens. Enfermement des étrangers et dénonciation des nouveaux crimes de paix", in Chantiers politiques, n. 2, "Frontières en attente", p. 27-32.
Vitale T. (2003), "Abbassare la soglia: confini ed apprendimento", in L. Bifulco (a cura di), Il genius loci del welfare. Strutture e processi della qualità sociale, Officina, Roma, p. 136-49.
Bifulco L., Vitale T. (2003), "Da strutture a processi: servizi, spazi e territori del welfare locale", Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, volume XXV, n° 72, , p. 95-108.
Cousin B., Vitale T. (2003), "Droghe, territorio e ricerca sociologica: perché un approccio ravvicinato e pragmatico ai mondi delle droghe?” in Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, volume XXV, n° 70, p. 153-64.
de Leonardis O, Vitale T. (2001), "Forme organizzative del terzo settore e qualità sociale", in M. La Rosa (a cura di), Le organizzazioni nel nuovo Welfare: l'approccio sociologico. Pubblico, privato sociale, cooperazione e non profit, Maggioli, Rimini, 113-30.
Vitale T. (2001), "Politiche attive del lavoro e sviluppo di mercati sociali: i dilemmi locali della regolazione pubblica", in C. Ranci (a cura di), Il mercato sociale dei servizi alla persona, Carocci, Roma, p. 119-43.
de Leonardis O, Vitale T. (2001), "Les coopératives sociales et la construction du tiers secteur en Italie", in Mouvements - Sociétés, Politique, Culture, n° 19, p. 75-80.