Chiara Tornaghi
PhD in Applied Sociology and Methodology for Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca. MA in Political Science, University of Milano. Post-Doctorate Research Fellow in the Dept. of Sociology, University of Milano – Bicocca.
Skills mobilised
Chiara Tornaghi will contribute with expertise in urban regeneration policy and practice, decision-making processes and urban governance, focusing on the evaluation of public policy. She has a substantial experience in analysing the social construction of public spaces, both as bottom-up initiatives and into integrated and participated European measures (PIC-Urban II). Since 1999 she has worked in the LabSMA (Laboratory for the Study of Advances Metropolitan Societies) where she participated in several national and international research projects (such as “Measuring neighbourhood trajectories in understanding process of social exclusion” coordinated by Professors Peter Lee and Francesca Zajczyk; EU-DG Research UGIS - Urban development Programmes, Urban Governance, Social Inclusion and Sustainability, coordinated by Prof. Giampaolo Nuvolati; The Atlas of Social Needs: a joint research University of Milano-Bicocca/ Chuo University Tokyo, coordinated by Professors Guido Martinotti and Toshiaki Furuky) developing skills in spatial analysis (GIS). She is currently working in a four-year research project on public arts (performing arts and festivals) as inclusive strategy in urban regeneration initiatives.
Relevant publications
Tornaghi C., Nuvolati G., (2002) Urban Renewal Policies in Italy. The case of Milan, in Kesteloot Chris (ed), Urban Territorial Policies and their Effects at the Neighbourhood Level, Urbex.The Spatial Dimension of Urban Social Exclusion and Integration: A European Comparison, n. 21, Fourth RTD Framework Programme Targeted Socio-Economic Research (TSER), AME, Amsterdam, pp. 58-68, Gennaio 2002
Tornaghi C. (2004), “Mobilità e "city users" a Milano: individuazione e stima delle popolazioni non residenti”, Amministrare, n°1/2004, pp. 5-50.
Tornaghi C., Mugnano S., Vicari Haddock S., (2005) “Nuove visioni del territorio: il rinnovo urbano e i nuovi spazi pubblici nel Nord Milano”, in Dell’Agnese E. (ed.), Bicocca e il suo territorio, Skirà, Milano
Tornaghi C. (2005), “Le fonti dei dati per l’analisi secondaria sulla mobilità”, in Zajczyk F. (ed.), La ricerca sociale sulla mobilità urbana. Metodi e tecniche di indagine, Liguori, Roma