Marianna d'Ovidio
Marianna d’Ovidio (Milano, 1973) is an associate researcher at the Dept. of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milano Bicocca. She obtained her PhD in 2004 in European Urban and Local Studies at the University of Milano Bicocca.
Skills mobilised
Marianna d’Ovidio can contribute to the research thanks to a multiyear experience in urban analysis of urban mobility, with a particular focus on urban mobility and accessibility inequality and the creative economy, especially urban creative economy and urban heritage, and in the urban ecology analysis (GIS).
The cultural economy in post-fordist cities was the theme of her PhD dissertation. In the University of Milano Bicocca, she has been engaged in many research teams, as an assistant or associate researcher, dealing with poverty and social exclusion and with mobility. Currently she works as a member of a comparative projects founded by the EU on creative economy ( ACRE project 2006-2010); since 2004 she has been working as an associate researcher in the Nomadis laboratory, studying the micro mobility in the city. In 2001 she took part to the “Observatory on urban poverty” (prof. Mingione and prof. Zajczyk), and from 2000 to 2001 she has been a research assistant in the project “Life Quality on the Third-Generation Metropolises” (prof. Martinotti) supported by the Ministry of University and Scientific Research.
Relevant publications
d’Ovidio, M. (forthcoming),“The role of institutions in the creative economy of cities”, Geoforum, a special issue on “Urban conditions for creative knowledge” edited by Marco Bontje and Sako Musterd
d’Ovidio, M. (forthcoming) “Analisi morfologica della mobilità” in La ricerca sociale sulla mobilità urbana. Metodi e tecniche di indagine edited by F. Zajczyk. Milano:Cortina
E. Mingione, E. Dell’Agnese, S. Mugnano, M. d‘Ovidio, B. Niessens, C. Sedini (2007), Milan city-region: Is it still competitive and charming? Pathways to creative and knowledge-based regions. Amsterdam: AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam
Boffi, M. and M. d’Ovidio (2006), “La Mobilità e la Città” in La mobilità e la società dell’informazione edited by G. Martinotti. Milano: Guerini editore
d’Ovidio, M e Tornaghi, C. et al. (2005), “Il ruolo delle fiere nello sviluppo metropolitano” in I nuovi stili di vita dei cittadini edited by G. Martinotti. Milano: Libri Scheiwiller, 2005
Boffi, M. e M. d’Ovidio (2005), “Immagini della città che cambia” in E. dell’Agnese La Bicocca e il suo territorio, Skira, Milano
Boffi, M., M. d’Ovidio, E. Natoli, C. Tornaghi (2004), “Urban Mobility of Elder People. GPS and GIS for Collecting and Analysing Space-Time Information on Mobility” in 7th AGILE Conference on GIS – Conference Proceedings
d’Ovidio, M. (2005), The cultural economy of post-fordist cities. Proximity as a creative resource?. The fashion industry in Milan and London. PhD dissertation