Serena Vicari Haddock
Doctoral Degree in Sociology from the Ministry of Education, Rome, Italy; M.A. in Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.A.; MA in Political Science, University of Milan, Italy. At present Serena Vicari Haddock is Associate Professor of Urban Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milan – Bicocca.
Skills mobilised
Serena Vicari Haddock as senior researcher will collaborate closely with Frank Moulaert in insuring general scientific coordination to the network while also providing co-ordination to the Bicocca team. She has acquired relevant experience in research coordination while working with some of the partners in previous research networks (URSPIC, SINGOCOM) as well as on a national research team. Her primary research interest is urban redevelopment and regeneration initiatives in Italian cities and in comparative perspective vis à vis European and North American cities. Her specific focus is on bottom-up initiatives and strategies of inclusive decision-making processes.
Relevant publications
Vicari Haddock S. (2003),"Business as usual: the Naples business district (Centro Direzionale di Napoli) in Moulaert F., Rodriguez A, Swyngedouw E. (Eds.), The Globalized City. Urban Redevelopment and Social Polarization in European Cities, Oxford University Press,.
Vicari Haddock S. (2004), La città contemporanea, il Mulino.
Vicari Haddock S. (2005) “Nuove visioni del territorio: il rinnovo urbano e i nuovi spazi pubblici nel Nord Milano” (con S. Mugnano e C. Tornaghi) in Dell’Agnese E. (a cura di), Bicocca e il suo territorio, Skira.
Vicari Haddock S. (2005) “La rigenerazione urbana: frammentazioni e integrazioni” in Bifulco L. (a cura di) Le nuove politiche sociali. Problemi dell’azione pubblica, Carocci.