Benedicte Lefebvre
Since 1980 she has been a senior researcher (Ingénieur d’Etudes) at IFRÉSI – CNRS (CLERSÉ laboratory), after having worked as a research associate at the Centre d’Analyse du Développement (1971-1979). Her fields of specialisation are: local housing markets and policy, housing renovation, household trajectories and residential mobility.
Skills mobilised
She works on topics linked to the housing and urban politics: rehabilitation of housing by the inhabitants, the access to the housing, the residential mobility, trajectories of exclusion of the inhabitants, etc.. She participated as member of a multidisciplinary team composed by sociologists and economists to the SINGOCOM, an FP5 funded project (2001-2004). She also participated, during the same period, to a research about public space in new towns in France, as member of a team composed by sociologists, ethnologist and architects. She begin a new research with an ethnologist about the "Adjustments and dispositions of the inhabitants in a kinship structure like the neighbourhood or the residence”. All these activities allowed her to develop organisational, managerial, communicational, theoretical and empirical skills.
Relevant publications
· Lefebre, B, and Vervaeke, M. (1990) La revalorisation de l'habitat ancien et le peuplement résidentiel dans un espace régional en crise, Revue Clés.
· Lefebre, B, and Vervaeke, M. (1996) Local housing market and the social reorganization of space, International Journal for Urban and Regional Research, juin, pp. 155-69.
· Lefebre, B, and Vervaeke, M. (1999) Public Policy and Renewal of Old Housing : The case of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Housing Studies, Vol. 14, N° 6, 839-59.
· Lefebre, B, and Thevenot, J. (2002) Logiques résidentielles des emménagés récents dans un quartier en mutation : Canteleu-Lambersart, Mobilités, usages, représentations entre ségrégation et mixité sociale, CLERSE-IFRESI-Agence de développement et d’urbanisme de Lille Métropole, Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Ville de Lambersart