Abdelillah Hamdouch
PhD. and M.A. in Public Economics & Planning; “Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches” in Industrial Economics, Université de Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France. Associate-Professor of Economics; Senior researcher in Industrial Economics, CLERSÉ-IFRESI-CNRS, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (Lille1).
Skills mobilised
Abdelillah Hamdouch as a senior researcher will be involved within the Labour Market and Social Innovation fields. His research emphasis is on labour market and social networks within R&D activities at a regional level. He has experience as a senior researcher and associate-professor at the Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Senior researcher in the VALICORES Project (FP 5), and Expert and evaluator for the DG Research of the European Commission. Other relevant activities include 15 years experience as a consultant for industrial and service firms, and as an expert for several government agencies and ministries in France.
Relevant publications
· Collette E. and Hamdouch A. (1993) “What makes the Difference? Some Theoretical Considerations on the Strategic Specificities of Non Profit Organizations”, PONPO Working Papers, Program on Non Profit Organizations, University of Yale.
· Collette E. and Hamdouch A., (1993) “Non Profit Organizations: From Entrepreneurship to Management”, ARNOVA Conference Proceedings, Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, pp. 129-39.
· Hamdouch A. (2004), “Innovation”, article Corpus, Encyclopaedia Universalis, version 10.
· Hamdouch A., (2005), Emergence et légitimité des institutions, coordination économique et nature de la rationalité des agents, Innovation – The European Journal of Social Science Research, Vol. 18, N° 2.
· Boidin B and Hamdouch A. and. (Eds). (2005), “Institutions et Santé dans les Pays en Développement”, Special issue of Mondes en Développement, N° 131.
· Hamdouch A.and Moulaert F., (2004), “Knowledge Infrastructure and the Institutional Practice of Innovative Agents and their Networks: What Have We Learned?”, VALICORES Position Paper, European Commission — DG Research.
· Hamdouch A.and Moulaert, F. (2004), “New Views of Innovation Systems: Agents, Rationales, Networks and the Role of Spatial Scales”, VALICORES Position Paper, VALICORES Position Paper, European Commission — DG Research.