CRISES - Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
CRISES (Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales)is an inter-university research centre that groups together more than 50 professors from 7 Canadian universities. It was formed in 1986 as a research team and was recognized by the Quebec Government as a strategic group in 2001. Based on social innovation and transformation, the CRISES research programme employs three complementary approaches: 1) innovation in work and in labour relations; 2) innovation in living conditions; 3) innovation in territorial governance. The Centre counts on significant community-based participation, including unions and employer associations, community groups and women's groups that provide community services, citizen groups and local elected representatives of local communities. CRISES research projects attach great importance to the forms of ownership that organizations take (this applies to private enterprise and public sector enterprises and agencies, as well as to the social economy). CRISES research attempts to establish a link between micro approaches based on innovation and macro approaches responsive to social transformation and new regulations.
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