Denis Harrisson
PhD Sociology (Université de Montréal), M. Sc Sociology (Université Laval, Québec), Bacc. Sociology (Université du Québec à Montréal). Faculty Member of School of Management Université du Québec à Montréal
Skills mobilised
Denis Harrisson is the director of CRISES and professor in the Department of Organisation and Human Resources Management. His contemporary research interests are related to the process of innovation and social innovation. His research interests include the process of innovation in industrial relations, the making of trust relations between management and labour and the impacts of organizational change on work organization. His experience in research encompasses both public sector and private sector. Most of his research programs have been and are still granted by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and some other public institutions. Among other relevant activities, he is member of the Adjudication Committee 08 Sociology and Demography at SSHRC; College Member for Canada Research Chair; Editorial Board member of Journal of Innovation.
Relevant publications
· Harrisson, D and Laberge (2004) "Innovation, Identities and Resistance: the social construction of an innovation network", Journal of Management Studies, vol. 39, no 4: 497-521. Réimpression dans John STOREY (ed.) The Management of Innovation, An Elgar Reference Collection. The International Library of Critical Writings on Business and Management, 2 volumes: 484-508.
· Harrisson, D and Roy (2004) « Innovations du travail et fonction publique : des efforts louables; un arrimage difficile » Journal de l’innovation vol. 9, no. 2 : 1-16.
· Harrisson, D (2003), « Les représentations de la confiance entre gestionnaires et représentants syndicaux : une analyse qualitative », Relations industrielles, vol. 58, no. 1: 109-36.
· Harrisson, D and Laplante (2002) La construction du partenariat patronal-syndical : contraintes du marché et négociations locales, Paris : L’Harmattan, Collection Logiques sociales.
· Harrisson, D, Laplante and Saint-Cyr (2001) "Cooperation and resistance in work innovation networks" Human Relations, vol. 54, no.2: 215-55.