Jorge Malheiros
PhD in Human Geography (University of Lisbon), MA in Human Geography and Regional and Local Planning (University of Lisbon), and BSc in Geography and Regional Planning (University of Lisbon). Professor at the Faculty of Arts and researcher at the Centre of Geographical Studies, University of Lisbon.
Skills mobilised
Jorge Malheiros as a senior researcher of the CEG-UL will participate in the coordination of the Existential Field on Labour Market, Employment Strategies and Social Economy (WP 1.1). He has a large experience in undertaking research on social geography, namely in the domains of population studies, international migration and social exclusion. He has participated in several research projects, both national (funded by the FCT - Portuguese Science Foundation) and European. He is presently the SOPEMI (Observatory of International Migration of OECD) correspondent for Portugal and co-cordinator of one the clusters of the EU funded IMISCOE excellence network. He is also facilitator of the Portuguese Thematic Network on Social and Professional Integration of Immigrants, Ethnic Minorities and Asylum Seekers of the EU EQUAL Programme.
Relevant publications
Malheiros, J; Salvador, F.V; Vala, F (2004) “Immigration and city change: the region of Lisbon in the turn of the 20th century”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 30, nº6, November 2004, pp. 1065-1086.
Fonseca, L; Malheiros, J (2004) “Immigration and globalisation from below: the case of ethnic restaurants in Lisbon”. Finisterra. Revista Portuguesa de Geografia XXXIX (77), pp129-56
Boavida, M.J; Esteves, A; Fonseca, L; Malheiros, J; (2003) “Lisboa” in Ethnobarometer-Migrant Integration in European Cities, Roma, Second Report-2003, pp.214-51.
Esteves, A; Fonseca, L and Malheiros, J (2003) “Portugal” in Niessen, J. e Schibel, Y. (orgs.) - EU and US approaches to the management of immigration – Comparative Perspectives, Migration Policy Group, Brussels, pp. 433-59.
Fonseca, L and Malheiros, J (2003) “Nouvelle” Immigration, marché du travail et competitivité des regions portugaises in Géographie, Économie et Société, nº2/2003, pp.161-83
Malheiros, J (2003) “Management of cultural pluralism in new immigrant countries: the case of Portugal” in Dacyl, J.W. and Westin, C. (eds) – Between Universal Values and Unbounded Diversity, Swedish National Commission for Unesco/CEIFO-Universidade de Estocolmo, pp. 247-80.
Malheiros, J (ed) (2002), Immigration and Place in Mediterranean Metropolises. Luso-American Development Foundation, Lisbon.
Malheiros, J (2002), “Ethni-cities: residential patterns in Northern European and Mediterranean Metropolises - implications for policy design”. International Journal of Population Geography, vol. 8, n.2, pp. 89-106. Chichester: Wiley
André, I and Malheiros, J (2001), “Social Innovation in Adverse Milieux: opportunities in an immigrant neighbourhood in the periphery of Lisbon” in EAEPE Conference 2001 - Comparing Economic Institutions, Sienna, 8-11 November – digital publishing
Malheiros, J (2000), “Urban Restructuring, Immigration and the Generation of Marginalised Spaces in the Lisbon Region” in King, R.; Lazaridis, G. and Tsardanidis, C. (eds.) ElDorado or Fortress? Migration in Southern Europe. Routledge, London, pp. 207-31.