Isabel André
PhD. in Human Geography, University of Lisbon, M.A. in Human Geography and Regional and Local Planning, University of Lisbon. Professor of the Department of Geography and researcher at the Centre of Geographical Studies, University of Lisbon.
Skills mobilised
Isabel André as a senior researcher of CEG-UL co-ordinates the Existential Field (WP1.1) on Labour Market, Employment Strategies and Social Economy. She has relevant experience in scientific research related to gender and labour market, social inclusion and social innovation. She has coordinated and/or participated in several consultancy projects on regional development and cultural policies and programme evaluation.
Relevant publications
André, I and Rego, P. (2003). “Redes y desarrollo local: la importancia del capital social y de la innovación” in Boletín de la AGE, nº 36, 2003, p. 117-27
André, I (2002), Estratégias empresariais, Emprego e Empregabilidade no Comércio (coord. Teresa Barata Salgueiro). Lisboa. GEPE/Observatório do Comércio.
André, I (2002) “Os maus tratos às crianças na família”, em Acta Médica Portuguesa 2002, 15, pp257-67 (in collaboration with Ana Nunes de Almeida e Helena Nunes de Almeida).
André, I. (2001)"Portugal: Knowledge-intensive services and modernization" in Wood, Peter (ed.), Consultancy and Innovation: the business service revolution in Europe", London: Routledge. (In collaboration with João Ferrão - national co-ordinator - and Paulo Areosa Feio).
André, I.(2000)"Services of General Interest and Social and Territorial Cohesion in Portugal", in Symposium Social and territorial cohesion in Europe, French Ministry of Development and Transport and Caisse des Dêpots et Consignation, Paris 24-25 November (in collaboration with Patrícia Rego and Paulo Feio) (digital edition).
André, I. (1999). "Development and Equality Between Women and Men in the Portuguese Labour Market ", Southern European Society & Politics, 4.2. Número especial – Between change and continuity: gender inequalities in Southern Europe (in collaboration with Paulo Areosa Feio).
André, I. (1996). "Cambios recientes en la organización familiar de Portugal. Entre el conflicto y la ruptura", in SOLSONA Y PAIRÓ, M. (ed.) - Desigualdades de Género en los Viejos y los Nuevos Hogares, Instituto de la Mujer, Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Madrid.
André, I. (1996). "At the Centre on the Periphery? Women in the Portuguese Labor Market", in GARCIA-RAMON, M. D.; MONK, J. (ed.) - Women of the European Union, the Politics of Work and Daily Life, Routledge, London.