Majone Steketee
Senior Researcher and Coordinator of the youth research program at the Verwey-Jonker Institute. Dr. Steketee (1959, Dutch nationality) studied Andragologie at the University of Amsterdam. She made her PhD. in 1995. Language skills: Dutch native speaker, fluent in English, reading French and German.
Skills mobilised
She has done European research on the question how to prevent families with young children from social exclusion. The focus was on what kind of support or education these families need, especially the parents. At this moment she evaluates the community schools in the Netherlands. This is a programme where children are offered education activities which are focused on strengthen the social cohesion and the social competency of the youth. These activities take place outside the school and within the community. She coordinates another research programme which is directed at the development of a social year for young people who are leaving school and want to do something within the community as an orientation to education or work. It includes an international state of the art of what other countries in Europe do on the subject of a social year.
Relevant publications
· Steketee, M.J.and Linden, P. van der (2003). Daderhulpverlening in Nederland. In Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid MGV, jrg. 58, nr. 1, p. 64-77.
· Steketee, M.J.and Chin-A-Fat, B.E.S., (2002). “Bemiddeling als alternatief voor de afhandeling van echtscheidingen en omgangsregelingen door de rechter“. Rechtshulp, jrg. 26, nr. 1, p. 4-9.
· Steketee, M.J. (2002). De paradox van kracht en kwetsbaarheid. Recensie. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, nr. 1, p. 43-45.
· Steketee, M.J.and Bruning, M., (2001). “Herziening OTS (nog) geen verbetering voor betrokkenen : hoofdlijnen van de wetsevaluatie OTS”. FJR, Tijdschrift voor Familie en Jeugdrecht, jrg. 23, nr. 5, p. 137-144.
· Steketee, M.J.and Chin-A-Fat, B.E.S.(2001). Bemiddeling in uitvoering, evaluatie experimenten scheidings en omgangsbemiddeling. Utrecht: Verwey-Jonker Instituut.