Montserrat Pareja Eastaway
She has studied Economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1984-1989); PhD in Applied Economics at the same university. She finally defended her thesis on vacancy chains models and she tested the filtering effect at the Olympic Village development in 1998.
Skills mobilised
Her field of interest is focused on housing policy and its social implications, developed at the three levels of government: central, regional and local. Housing affordability, tenure and housing policy measures and urban renewal plans are, among others, key aspects in her research. She has been involved in several projects, not only academic, but also directly working with policy-makers. The comparison with other European situations is a regular issue in her research. She worked as coordinator of the Spanish team for the SOCOHO project and at present, she is the Spanish partner responsible for the RESTATE project, both funded by the European Union- 5th Framework Programme. She is also a member of the Co-ordination Committee of the European Network for Housing Research.
Relevant publications
· Pareja, M.; Tapada, T.; van Boxmeer, B.; Garcia-Ferrando, L. (2003) Large Housing Estates in Spain Overview of developments and problems in Madrid and Barcelona. RESTATE report 2h. Utrecht: Urban and Regional Research Centre, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University.
· Pareja, M.; Tapada, T.; van Boxmeer, B.; Garcia-Ferrando, L. (2004) Large Housing Estates in Spain. Policies and practices. RESTATE report 3h. Utrecht: Urban and Regional Research Centre, Faculty of geosciences, Utrecht University.
· Pareja Eastaway, M.; Ponce Solé, J.; García Ferrando, L. (2004) Urbanisme i habitatge com a eines de desenvolupament sostenible. La necessitat d'anàlisi i actuacions integrades. Barcelona: Fundació Carles Pi i Sunyer d'Estudis Autonòmics i Locals. Estudis 11
· Pareja Eastaway, M. and StØa, Eli (eds) (2004) Dimensions of housing and urban sustainability. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 19: 1-5.
· Pareja Eastaway, M. and Turmo Garuz, J. (2004) Las políticas de vivienda y el estado del bienestar. Chapter in Diaz Orueta, F. y Lourés Seoane, M. L. (2004) Desigualdad social y vivienda. Alicante: Editorial Club Universitario.
· Pareja, M.; Tapada, T.; van Boxmeer, B.; Garcia-Ferrando, L.; Simó Solsona, M. (forthcoming) Large Housing Estates in Spain. Opinions and prospects of inhabitants in Orcasitas, Simancas, Trinitat Nova and Sant Roc. RESTATE report 3h. Utrecht: Urban and Regional Research Centre, Faculty of geosciences, Utrecht University.
· Mugnano, S; Pareja, M.; Tapada, T. (2005) Comparing Spanish and Italian urban partnerships: an analysis of actors' involvement in a multi-level context. Chapter in RESTATE edited volume on policies in large-scale housing estates.