Albert Terrones
Degree in Politics and Phd candidate in Sociology. He is currently working as a Associate professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Department of Sociology) and as a Housing Policy expert in the Diputació de Bacelona
Skills mobilised
Researcher in GEDIME (Research Group in Migration and Ethnic Minorities) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Department of Sociology) from 2001. During 2006, he has also collaborated with the Research Centre of Citizenship and Civil Society (University of Barcelona). His main research expertise is in the field of international migration and housing (encompassing housing policy, ethnic segregation, etc.), although he has also work in research projects about other topics like urban renewal, language, integration policies, education or governance.
He is been a tutor in the 2006-2007 edition of E-Urbs (EU funded) “European Master on Comparative Urban Studies”
During 2006, he is been a visitor researcher in the AMIDST (Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan and Development Studies)
Relevant publications
Terrones, A (accepted) “La influencia de los sistemas de vivienda en las condiciones residenciales de la población inmigrante: Los casos de Barcelona y Amsterdam” in Papers, Revista de Sociología (accepted). [The influence of housing systems on the residential situation of migrants: the cases of Barcelona and Amsterdam]
Terrones, A, (2006) “Vivienda e Inmigración, Colectivo IOE” in Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 116.
Solé,C.; Alarcón, A.; Terrones, A.; Garzón, Ll., (2006) “The problems of efficiency and linguistic discrimination in the coordination of firms”, in International Journal of Sociology of Language, 182. 2006
Solé,C.; Alarcón, A.; Terrones, A. & Garzón, Ll. (2005) Llengua, empresa i integració econòmica: L’intercanvi econòmic com a font de canvi lingüísitc. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans. [Language, companies and economic integration: The economic exchange as a source of linguistic change]
Terrones, A. (2003) “Política social y exclusión residencial de las mujeres inmigrantes en Madrid y Barcelona”, in Flaquer, LL. i Solé, C. (eds) El uso de las políticas sociales por parte de mujeres inmigrantes. Madrid: Instituto de la Mujer. [Residential exclusion and housing policies: The case of immigrant women in Madrid and Barcelona]
Solé,C.; Alarcón, A.; Terrones, A.; Garzón, L. (2005) “Eficiencia y discriminación lingüística en la empresa” in Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 109. [Efficiency and linguistic discrimination in multinational companies]
Terrones, A.; Verger, T. (2005) “La solidaritat en moviment”. Palma de Mallorca: Lleonart Muntaner [The Solidarity in movement]