John Andersen
PhD in sociology of poverty and labour market exclusion 1989. Since 2002 professor at Roskilde University. Department of Social Science. (
Skills mobilised
John Andersen has worked in the Danish Research and Development Unit (RDU) 1992-94 for the European Commission in the Poverty 3 programme, and has undertaken research on social exclusion, underclass and post industrial integration strategies. This research includes multidisciplinary approaches to public planning, policy processes and citizens participation. He was responsible for the Danish case study in the URSPIC project in the 4th framework programme on social polarisation and urban planning strategies. This work was extended within the Research Unit as “Gender, Empowerment and Politics” ( with case studies of local anti-poverty programmes, urban democracy and community empowerment/particitation. In the last years he has studied local government and implementation of active labour market measures in Denmark as part of the Centre for research in labour market relations. CARMA. ( Currently he is head of the research project: Segregation, local integration and employment, which will analyze how entrepreneurship and employment strategies among ethnic minorities in Denmark fit with the public employment strategy.
Relevant publications
Andersen, J et. al (1995) Post- industrial solidarity - future challenges and Poverty III lessons. In. Mortensen og G. Olofsson (eds.) : Essays on Integration and Marginalization. Samfundslitteratur. København
Andersen, J. (1999) Social and system integration and the underclass. In Gough, I and Olfsson, G (ed.) Capitalism and Social Cohesion. MacMillan.
Andersen, J. (2003) Gambling politics or successful entrepreneurial - the Orestad in Copenhagen. In Moulart, F. Swyngedouw, E., and Rodriquez, A., (eds.) The Globalized City. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
Andersen, J (2003) Empowerment i storbyens rum (Empowerment in the urban space) Hans Reitzels Forlag. Copenhagen: Denmark.
Andersen, J. and Siim, Birte (2004) (eds,) Politics of inclusion and empowerment – gender, class and citizenship. Palgrave