Jean-Louis Laville
PhD in Sociology from Sciences Po – Institut d’études politiques, Paris. Professor of Sociology, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers (Cnam), France.
Skills mobilised
His research specialisms are: the solidarity-based economy and third sector; proximity or daily life services and local development; social integration, employment and social policies; economic organisation and democracy. He has 15 years experience as scientific coordinator of a research team. He has participated in a number of European research projects: EMES on Social Enterprises; European Commission (DGV) on Third Sector; European Commission (DGV) with International centre of research and information on the public and cooperative economy (CIRIEC) on Third Sector; Intrasoft International on Third System organisations.
Relevant publications
Laville, J-L and Evers, A (eds) 2004. The third sector in Europe. Gloucestershire: Edward Elgar
Laville, J-L. 2005. Sociologie des services. Toulouse : Erès.
Laville, J-L, Magnen, J.P, França Filho, G.C. and Medeiros, A. 2005. Action publique et économie solidaire - Une perspective internationale. Toulouse.
Laville, J-L.and. Cattani, A.D. 2005. Dictionnaire de l’autre économie. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer
Laville, J-L and Nyssens, M. 2001 Les services sociaux entre associations, Etat et marché: l'aide aux personnes âgées, Paris, La Découverte, Paris
Laville, J-L.(2004) Work and citizenships: reviewing the links between employment and social welfare in the context of a “plural economy”, in “Security through social cohesion.
Laville, J-L. 2004 “Proposals for a new socioeconomic governance”, Trends in social cohesion, n° 10, Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing
Laville, J-L.and La Rosa, M 2004. La sociologie économique européenne. Une rencontre franco-italienne, Sociologia del Lavoro, Supplément special, n° 93, numéro bilingue, FrancoAngeli
Dacheux, E and Laville, J-L.2003. Economie solidaire et démocratie, Hermès, n° 36, Paris CNRS Editions
Gardin L and Laville, J-L. 2003. Les initiatives locales. Réalités européennes et enseignements transversaux, in J.M. Fontan, J.L. Klein, B. Lévesque, Reconversion économique et développement territorial, Montréal, Presses de l’Université du Québec.