Laurent Fraisse
Researcher. Postgraduate degree in economics (Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne).
Skills mobilised
Laurent has worked as a researcher at the CRIDA since 1997 and has been a member of the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Economique (LISE / CNAM CNRS) since 2004. He took part in several European research programmes on the socio-economic evaluation of services to persons and of social enterprises, on public policies and the third sector, on the governance and coordination of social policies and policies fighting exclusion (e.g. TSEP and TSFEPS).
He is a member of the reading committee of the Revue Economie et Solidarité for Europe and was also one of the organisers of the first European conference jointly organised by the ISTR and EMES in 2005.
Relevant publications
Fraisse, L., « The Third Sector and the Policy Process in France: the Centralised Horizontal Third Sector Community Faced with the Reconfiguration of the State-Centred Republican Model », in Kendall J., Third sector and public policy in Europe, Routledge, 2008.
Fraisse, L., « La dimension politique de l’économie solidaire », in Laville J-L., L’économie solidaire une perspective internationale, Pluriel, Hachette Littératures, Paris, 2007, pp.215-245.
« Changement social », in Laville J-L, Dictionnaire sur l’Autre économie, Gallimard, Folio actuel, Paris, 2006.
Fraisse, L., Eme, B., « La gouvernance locale de la diversification des modes d’accueil : un enjeu de cohésion sociale », Recherches et Prévisions, n°80, juin 2005.
Fraisse, L., « Les enjeux de l’action publique en faveur de l’économie sociale et solidaire », in Carvalho de Franca, G., Laville, J-L, Action publique et économie solidaire, éditions Eres, mai 2005.
Fraisse, L., « Les enjeux de l’action publique en faveur de l’économie sociale et solidaire », in Carvalho de Franca, G., Laville, J-L, Action publique et économie solidaire, éditions Eres, mai 2005.
Fraisse L, « Changing Family Structure et Social Policy : childcare services in Europe and social cohesion » in Linda HANTRAIS (ed.), Researching Family et Welfare from an International Comparative Perspective, European Commission, Improving Human Research Potential and the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base, Brussels, novembre, 2003.
Fraisse L., Enjolras B., Laville J-L., « Between subsidiarity and social assistance : the French way towards activation »,, in Loedemel I., Trickey H. (dir.), An Offer you can’t refuse, Policy Press 2000, pp.41-71 ;