Giovanni Tria
M.A. in Law from the University of Rome La Sapienza. Full Professor of Economics, Director of CEIS (Centre for International Studies on Economic Growth) and Deputy Director of the Master Programme on Development Economics and International Cooperation at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Faculty of Economics. He has been also Professor of Economics at the University of Rome La Sapienza , Faculty of Law. He acts as a scientific advisor for a number of national public institutions.
Skills mobilised
Economist with more than 25 years of professional and academic experience as an expert of economic development, macroeconomic adjustment policies, business cycle and growth, public investment evaluation, role of the governance on the process of growth, economics of judicial systems. Since 2004, he is a Delegate of the Italian Government at the Governing Body of the International Labour Office in Geneva.
He has long track experience as a consultant for major international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. He has worked extensively in the formulation and management of macro-econometric models and methodologies development, mainly in the sectors of tertiary education, tourism and cultural goods. Within the fields of social inclusion and urban regeneration, he was involved in a feasibility study on urban rehabilitation of Plaza de Cristo at La Havana.
Relevant publications
· Brunetta, R. and Tria, G. (2003) “Il patto di stabilità e crescita: regole fiscali da cambiare” in Rivista di Economia Italiana.
· Balbo, M., Capirci, M., and Tria, G (2002) “Italian Cooperation Strategies. In Eritrea”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGCS, and Italian Institute for Africa and Orient, June 2002.
· Felli, E. and Tria, G. (2001)"Assessing the Public Capital Contribution to Growth. An Application to Italy", (with), in Rivista di Politica Economica, June 2001.
· Felli, E. and Tria, G. (2000) “Productivity and Organized Crime in Italy” in Sviluppo economico, n.1, 2000.
· Paganetto, L. and Tria, G. (1999) “Istituzioni e governo dell’economia ”, Il Mulino, 1999
· Felli, E. and Tria, G. (1997) “Externalities, Cross-Sectoral Spillovers and Productivity Growth", in Open Economies Review, 8:2, 1997.