Matteo Scaramella
M.A. in Architecture and Urban Planning from University of Pescara, Italy. Member of the Italian Institute of Architects, Planners, Landscape designers and Cultural heritage preservation experts, of N-AERUS - Network- Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South and of the EES - European Evaluation Society. More than 10 years experience as a lecturer in different European Universities. Currently in charge of the courses on PCM, LFA and Monitoring and Evaluation methodologies and techniques at the University of Rome 2 - Tor Vergata and at the Planning Department of the University IUAV of Venice. He is the managing director of Abaton.
Skills mobilised
He has 25 years experience on programmes and projects of social development and sustainable urban development, both in Europe and in developing countries. He has been actively involved in the monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects all over the world, in staff training and in coordination of studies and research on social inclusion at the European level. In respect of EC funded programmes, he has been involved in identification, drafting of terms of reference, provision of technical assistance and in the design and management of projects. He prepared a City Report on slums and poverty in Naples, a contribution to the UN Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, and giving an assessment of policies fighting urban poverty. He developed district plans for two areas in Uruguay on behalf of the Inter-American Development Bank. He was responsible for drafting the social housing national policies in Ethiopia (1983-85). He has also been involved in the ILO Pilot Special Public Works Programme for the Upgrading of Housing and Infrastructures of an urban area of Addis Ababa.
Relevant publications
· Scaramella, M. (2003) “Report on slums and poverty in the city of Naples, Italy”. An assessment of policies fighting urban poverty as a contribution to the United Nations Human Settlement Programme publication The Challenge of Slums. Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, also available at :
· Scaramella, M. (2004) Entries: “Municipalities”, “United Nations General Assembly Declaration on the Rights of Development 1986”, “Trade not Aid (including fair trade)” and “International covenant to economic, social and cultural rights” in the Routledge Encyclopedia of International Development edited by the Development Studies Institute of the London School of Economics.2004
· Scaramella, M. (1999) "Notes about criteria for monitoring and evaluating programmes of decentralised co-operation between local governments". Paper presented to the International workshop Concepts and Paradigms of Urban Management in the Context of Developing Countries Venice - March 1999
· Scaramella, M.(1997) "Qualche nota sulla valutazione e il monitoraggio dei programmi di cooperazione decentralizzata fra collettività territoriali", Paper presented al Formum Civile Euromed, Napoli 12-14 Dic 1997