Abaton S.r.l., Rome
ABATON is a private research consultancy that mainly works on social development and dialogue, employment and poverty reduction strategies, urban development, monitoring and evaluation of policies, programmes and projects in the social and development field. It has been contracted by major Italian and international research institutions and funding agencies, carrying out studies and research, monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects, and providing technical assistance.
Abaton has experience in Italy, Europe and in developing countries, focusing on social inclusion and sustainable urban development. In 2000, it joined the PlanGroup Consortium to provide technical assistance services, audit and evaluation to the European Commission, within the Framework Contract in favour of Third Countries Lot n. 2 (Transport, hydraulic and sanitary infrastructures, both urban and rural). On behalf of the European Commission, Abaton performed a preparation mission for Asia-Urbs, a programme providing technical and financial assistance to European and Asian local authorities co-operating on urban development issues. It also carried out a mid-term evaluation and a study on the reorganisation and strengthening of Med-Urbs, a programme on urban development in the Mediterranean, and an evaluation of the Urb-Al Programme in Latin America. Recently, Abaton participated into the Femise Project “The Mediterranean Limes. The social variables of development: Health, Poverty and Crime”, being responsible for the transnational co-ordination and for the realisation of comparative studies among Egypt, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Jordan.
Abaton staff run a continuous training activity on Project Cycle Management in some Italian Universities and with local authorities.