Social Innovation: An Opportunity for Europe?
Policy dissemination workshop, Brussels, 7 October, 2009
The workshop was held in room Emile Francqui, Fondation Universitaire Stichting, Rue d’Egmontstraat 11, Brussels.
It provided an opportunity for mutual dialogue and exchange of policy ideas between Katarsis project partners and representative from the European Commission.
The concept of 'social innovation' and its policy and political relevance were discussed along with the issue of tackling the relationship between theory and practice.
Pierre Valette (DG RTD, Head of Unit L.2 Research in SSH; prospective)
Social innovation in Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Frank Moulaert and Jean Hillier (Project Coordinators, Newcastle University)
What is social innovation? And why is it politically relevant?
Haris Konstantatos, Dina Vaiou and Dimitra Siatitsa (National Technical
University of Athens)
The role of socially creative strategies to overcome social exclusion
Marisol García, Santiago Eizaguirre, Marc Pradel (Universitat de Barcelona)
Governance in social innovation dynamics and strategies
Andreas Novy and Sarah Habersack (Wirtschaftuniversität Wien)
Social innovation research for tackling social exclusion