Chia Longman
PhD in Comparative Science of Culture,Ghent University; MA Comparative Science of Culture, Tredegar, G.B,Centre for Intercultural Communication and Interaction (CICI), Dept. Comparative Sciences of Culture. Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. Comparative Sciences of Culture, Ghent University. Awarded the 2005 Hadassah-Brandeis Institute Research Award for the project ‘Life Stories of Orthodox Jewish Women in Antwerp: Negotiating Identity, Autonomy and Belonging’ (Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, U.S.A.)
Skills mobilised
Experience in gender studies within anthropology and religious studies; multiculturalism and citizenship in Europe; epistemological and methodological issues in the study of gender, ethnicity and religion from a comparative social science perspective Expwerience in issues relating to female religious agency, identities and the politics of belonging among minorities in postcolonial and multicultural contexts, particularly among Orthodox Jewish and Muslim women.(Current project: ‘Embodiment, modesty and moral praxis: women's identity politics among religious-traditionalist minorities’)
Relevant publications
Longman, C. (2005) ‘Gender, Religion and Multiculturalism’, In: C. Timmerman and B. Segaert (eds.), How to Conquer the Barriers to Intercultural Dialogue. Christianity, Islam and Judaism, Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, (Series Gods, Humans and Religions, no. 5), pp. 215-32.
Pinxten,R; Verstraete,G and Longman,C (eds.)(2004), Culture and Politics: Identity and Conflict in a Multicultural World, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, (Series Culture and Politics / Politics and Culture, vol. 2)
Longman, C (2003) ‘Citizenship and (Inter)cultural Agency: a European Contribution’, Guest Editor Special Issue of, Social Justice. Anthropology, Peace and Human Rights, vol. 4, nos. 3-4, pp.172-75.
Longman, C. (2004) ‘Engendering Identity as Political Practice: Gender Discourse among Strictly Orthodox Jewish Women’, In: R. Pinxten, G. Verstraete, C. Longman (eds.), pp. 49-88.
Longman, C. (2003) ‘Over our Heads? Muslim Women as Symbols and Agents in the Headscarf Debate in Flanders, Belgium’, Social Justice. Anthropology, Peace and Human Rights, vol. 4, nos. 3-4, 300-32.
Longman, C. (2002) ‘Empowering and Engendering “Religion”: A Critical Perspective on Ethnographic Holism’, Social Anthropology. The Journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 239-48. Cambridge University Press.
Coene, G and Longman, C (eds.) (2005 Forthcoming), Own Emancipation First? On the Rights and Representation of Women in Multicultural Society, Gent: Academia Press, (in Dutch)
Juschka, D.M and Longman, C (ed.) (2003), Feminism in the Study of Religion: a Reader (Continuum 2001), European Journal of Women’s Studies, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 240-45.