Marthe Nyssens

PhD in Economics from University of Louvain , M.A. in Economics from University of California at San Diego, B.A. from University of Louvain (UCL), Professor of Social Economy and Social Policies, University of Louvain, Belgium.

Skills mobilised
Marthe Nyssens is Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, Department of Economics and coordinator of a research team on social and non-profit economics at the “Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur la Solidarité et l’Innovation Sociale” (CERISIS). Her research activities deal, mainly with the third sector and with the evaluation of social policies. She is a founding member of the EMES European network. She has 10 years experience as scientific coordinator of a research team. She has been the leader of a large research consortium for the EU in FP6 on social enterprise in Europe (PERSE) within the EMES network ( She will be a resource partner within the fields of labour market and social innovation.

Relevant publications
· Nyssens M., (forthcoming 2005) Social Enterprises between Market, Public Policies and Community, Routledge.
· Sous la direction de Charlier,S, Nyssens, M, Peemans, J.Ph. and Yepez, I.(2004) Une solidarité en actes, gouvernance locale, économie sociale, pratiques populaires face à la globalisation, UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
· Nyssens, M (2001) Les services sociaux entre associations, Etat et marché: l'aide aux personnes âgées (avec Laville, J.-L.), La Découverte, Paris.
· Evers, A. Laville, J.L., Borzaga, C., Defourny, J., Lewis, J. and Nyssens, M. Defining the third sector in Europe, in: Evers, A. and J.L. Laville eds. (2004) The Third Sector in Europe. London: Edward Elgar.
· Nyssens, M and Pestoff,V in The Third Sector in Europe, edited by A. Evers and JL Laville, Edward Elgar, 2004, pp 1- 42.
· Degavre F, Nyssens M., Oulhaj L (2004) in Innovation sociale et genre : le cas des services de gardes-malades en Wallonie, , in D. Girard (dir.), Solidarités collectives, famille et solidarités, tome 1, L’Harmattan, Paris, 131-146, 2004..
· Lemaître, A ; Nyssens, M and Platteau, A ‘Entreprises d’insertion : entre idéal – type et institutionnalisation ‘, Recherches Sociologiques, 65 – 74, n°1, 2005
· Lhuillier, V ; Nyssens, M and Oulhaj, L (2005) ‘ D’un welfare state à un welfare mix dans les services aux jeunes enfants et aux personnes âgées en Belgique ? L’apport des services innovants ‘, Recherches Sociologiques, n°1