CERISIS - Université de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
CERISIS as an Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Solidarity and Social Innovation brings together economists, psychologists and sociologists. The centre is composed of three teams of researchers working respectively on the fields of third sector and social policies, socio-professional insertion and teaching along four axes: the development of relevant research for the development of the area in which CERISIS is located; an interdisciplinary approach; the partnership with the socio-economic actors; the development of close links with the disciplinary departments of UCL and with the national and international scientific community. The ”third sector and social policy” team deals with socio-economic rationales of “not for profit organisations” (cooperatives, non-profit organisations, social enterprises…). We analyse multiple linkages of these organisations with public policies, the market and the community. We investigate the specific role of these kinds of organisations in comparison with business and public bodies in several fields such as socio-professional integration, social services or social entrepreneurship.