Hartmut Häussermann
Dr. rer.pol., Diploma in Sociology, Economics and Political Science at Free University Berlin. Professor for Urban and Regional Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin.
Skills mobilised
Hartmut Häussermann has 20 years of experience as a scientific director of various projects in the field of urban research, on transformations in post-socialist cities, changes in Berlin, and on social exclusion and inclusion in urban neighbourhoods. He has got experience in several EU funded research projects (Integrated Area Development and Efficacy of Local Action, URSPIC – Urban Redevelopment and Social Polarisation in the City, URBEX - Social Exclusion und Integration in European Cities, SINGOCOM – Social Innovation, Governance and Communities). He has been for 8 years Vice-president, since 2002 President of the Research Committee on Urban and Regional Development of the International Sociological Association (ISA), and is a referee and evaluator to national and international organizations working in the field of social cohesion. He is member of several editorial/Advisory Boards of Scientific Journalsincluding Leviathan; European Urban and Regional Studies and Netherlands Journal of Housing and the Built Environment.
Relevant publications
· Häusserman, H; Holm A and Zunzer, D. (2002) “Stadterneuerung in der Berliner Republik : Modernisierung in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg” [engl. Urban Renewal in the Berlin Republic: Modernization in Prenzlauer Berg] Berlin: von der geteilten zur gespaltenen Stadt? Sozialräumlicher Wandel since 1990. Opladen : Leske + Opladen, - (Stadt, Raum und Gesellschaft :16
· Häusserman, H. and Kapphan, A, (2000) [engl. “Berlin: from divided to split city? Socio-spatial change since 1990”] Soziologie des Wohnens (mit Walter Siebel), Weinheim: Juventa Verlag (1996) [engl. Sociology of Housing] Opladen: Leske + Budrich
· Häusserman, H. and Faist, T (1996) Immigration, social citizenship and housing in Germany (mit Thomas, [engl. Sociology of Housing] Immigration, social citizenship and housing in Germany in: International Journal for Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 20 (1996), Heft 1, S: 83-98.
· Häusserman, H. (1997) Social Transformation of Urban Space in Berlin since 1990, in: O. Källtorp u.a. (Hrsg.), Cities in Transformation - Transformations in Cities, Social and Symbolic Change of Urban Space. Aldershot: Avebury, S. pp.80-97